I’m Moving On….

Don’t worry, I’m not leaving for good, I’m just relocating! You can find all things me at my new blog address www.wanderlove.co! So much has changed for me in the last year and I am excited to share my new adventures with you. I will never forget my roots and I am so thankful for each and every one of you who has stopped by to read my travels, tastes, thoughts and more. It’s been fun and I hope you will continue on with me at WanderLove šŸ™‚



P.S I will move some of my most popular posts to the new blog for your convenience but they will still be here in case you need them!

Breakfast Abroad | Part II

Let’s see… where did I leave off… ahhhh that’s right. Harrods.

There is no greater glory in all of the earth than Harrods. Have you ever been to Macy’s in NYC and absolutely died of all the possibility offered to you? That is Harrods times 100. It occupies over 5 acres onĀ Brompton RoadĀ inĀ Knightsbridge, in theĀ Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,Ā London. It is absolutely unbelievable. The largest department store in all of Europe with over 1 million sq. ft. of shopping grandeur. Ā The Holiday and Food halls are world famous andĀ in a few scrolls you will see why!Ā  Continue reading

In It To End It

I am going to take a detour from my 4-part post of my recent trip to Europe. Ā Part IV will focus on my day spent in Paris, France, but because of this day and what this day stands for, I am going to share my story about the real Paris and what it meant for me and my family.

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Breakfast Abroad | Part I

“Think of all the joy you’ll find, when you leave the world behind” Ā – Ā Peter PanĀ 

London. Big Ben. Parliament. The Royals. Harrods.

Shall I go on? What a city. What a trip! There is no possible way I could fit everything that is everything about my trip to London and Paris into one post, so I decided to make it a four part series!

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